Guppy Gang

Data-led decision making

Guppy Gang are the architects of an Ethereum-based Genesis NFT that provides the owner with in-game and real-world utilities, and can be traded on the Guppy Gang platform.

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To understand the complex world of NFTs and improve decision making, you need good quality, reliable data. This is required to ensure the platform operates successfully and gives most benefits to users. As all the trades occur within the platform, the raw data is readily available. 

However, administrators need to be able to make sense of the data; to see the connections between data-points like users, owners and tokens. This helps them understand how they interact, and influence one another, and make better decisions.

Mapping out the connections

Guppy Gang needs to understand the complex interconnections between users, their behaviors, preferences, needs and trends. With visibility over all of these, the company is better equipped to optimize its services and offer the most relevant products and utilities.

To succeed in offering the best user experience, Guppy Gang needs to have an immediate and clear overview of the interconnectedness in their data – especially about patterns in NFT trading and token ownership.

However, their data is incredibly complex. Manually sifting through all this information would be frustrating, time-consuming, and confusing. Drawing-out the links and correlations would be almost impossible. The solution needed to be easy to use with their existing data structure, and provide a clear graphical representation of these connections.

Gaining perspective at all scales

By adding their information directly to the platform, the connections between Guppy Gang’s data becomes immediately clear. These isolated data-points become an interactive global view, with links that are visible as connecting lines, forming a web of interrelated behaviors, ideas, and statistics. The confusing scattering of information suddenly becomes a constellation of recognizable patterns and themes.

Guppy Gang can zoom-in on the macro-scale patterns in user trades and other behaviors, and easily investigate the connections between these and with other activities on the platform, as well as the games in which the tokens and NFTs are used. Everything is laid out in plain view. 

If needed, they can use to review the raw data, and get back to the gritty details. Nothing is lost, but a new perspective on the connections between data emerges from the chaos.

Data capture is an investment that pays off when it is integrated with The company has gained a longer-term strategic asset: visibility into the big picture behind the customer side of their operations. 

This kind of complete, 360-degree view of the customer would not be possible any other way.

Understanding the patterns behind the data

Now that Guppy Gang is using to integrate their data, they can easily see the patterns behind seemingly random user actions. 

The company has gained a depth of understanding that empowers them to make confident data-led decisions. Each strategic decision is made using real insights into user trends, and this is made accessible for all departments, thanks to the intuitive GUI.

Staff are able to breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that their data is automatically added to a growing knowledge-base. Each decision can be made confidently, knowing how it will impact each connected element, and the company has the assurance of knowing exactly how their assets are being used and traded. With, the big picture couldn’t be clearer.

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